Monday, August 6, 2012

Bullying the Fat

I was cleared by psych for the surgery... yay? I was happy and feeling confident until someone in a small group who were standing behind me felt it was okay to grab my ass and then deny it using the, "You're fat and disgusting nobody would want to touch you." excuse. Being the firecracker that I am, I cursed them out and moved away but they continued to come closer to me, mocking me until I finally left the event I was at. To me, being fat is on the same list with being a homosexual, person of color or special needs. I get discriminated against, verbally and physically harassed just the same but nobody is fighting for my rights or sticking up for me because people feel weight is something that can be changed. For some people it is not. For some, being a lazy glutton is why they are a fat bastard/bitch but for some medical problems have caused the weight gain. It is an emotional struggle when your weight is out of your hands even just for the briefest of time and when strangers (or even friends/family) attack you over your weight, it can really set you back.

A former friend of mine ( I don't think I can even say this person was ever really my friend) posted on Facebook that he had gone to the gym and was disgusted at the site of this fat woman working out and wanted to know if he should go to the manager to see if something can be done about it. That kind of attitude is responsible for setting a lot of people back, sure some people are stronger than others like that woman who went to the gym to become healthier, tone or create some killer curves-- whatever body positive thing she was doing at least she was in there trying. However, some of us are not strong enough to boldly display our jiggling bodies even in sweats at the gym and the fat shaming does not help us gain the courage. Despite there being a legal issue had the manager said something to the woman, in other cases it hasn't stopped employees or upper management for being rude to someone for their appearance. If you don't like it, then DON'T LOOK. There is plenty of other things for these people to look at instead of fat shaming and if they want to make a legitimate complaint against them or if in public feel free to shame them right back. Sure it is just more fuel to the fire but make them feel bad about something because people like that will never feel bad about their shitty attitudes.

I often wonder if people are allowed to be fat and proud. Surely doctors will not allow it and society definitely will not accept it. Why do I have to change who I am physically to be socially accepted? Do I really have to get my stomach taken out to be perfect so I can go outside without being harassed? Then won't I be harassed for my good looks (I have been a normal size, the harassment leaned far more into perverted verbal sexual harassment.)? Where does it end?

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