Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Liquid Diet Day 1: The Food Junkie Withdrawal

I just need a little something to take the edge off. 

I feel like I should be on Celebrity Rehab. I can pretend to be an important D-List celebrity, the Kardashians do it all the time. 

This morning, I had a whey protein shake mixed with water and a thin slice of banana for flavor followed by a glass of Metamucil for fiber. I made it through the morning fine, it was not until about noon that my headache started and has only intensified through the day. As the day went on, nausea has been added to the symptoms which are overcoming my hunger. For lunch I had a whey protein shake with a thin slice of banana and Hershey pure cocoa for flavor with a cup of broccoli, lettuce and pico de gallo. Being able to chew and put something solid in my stomach was the only pleasurable experience of the day. The nutritionist said if the first few days are rough, I can have a boiled egg. I can't wait to have a gross hard boiled egg when I get home, it is all I have been thinking about all day.

I am going to mix my whey protein with some milk for a little more thickness, if that does not work for me I might have to move to the high protein Boost shakes which have a very good texture. I am hoping that curbs cravings and takes away the nausea and light headed feeling.

I'm off to the grocery store, let's hope I don't faint. 

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