Wednesday, September 11, 2013

One Year Later

I had my surgery a year ago today. I've lost a total of 132 lbs. and am a size 6. I have never been less than a size 12 in my entire adult life. I look at my size 12 pants and think they are huge yet I look at myself and still think I am huge. I am still losing weight though now it is at a much slower pace. Things are so different now, I actually go to workout classes, I'm trying to tone those pesky thighs and I feel good. I still get a case of the lazies and hungries but I don't let myself feel awful about it. Sometimes I push myself out of it to do things but other times I can't get the motivation but we all feel like that now and again and it's okay to have a lazy and/or hungry day. Just because you did something you felt was wrong one day doesn't mean it has to affect tomorrow. Move on. Just keep following instructions given to you and as time passes you begin to modify them to fit your life and you will own it. Own everything about your new body and lifestyle. Just remember all of this is normal.